3 facials you can try at home to brighten your face

Enam Arya

The Brightening Facial

Curd Facial

Take 1 tbsp. of sour curd and apply on your whole face .gently  massage for 5 minutes and leave it for 5 minutes then rinse off with lukewarm water.. your face will brighten like mirror.

Potato Facial

Slice half potato blend it in a puree form. Apply on all over face & gently massage for 5 minutes and leave this potato gel for 5 minutes. wash off with cold water then your face will glow instantly.

Tomato Facial

Slice half tomato blend it in smooth puree. apply on all over face massage with this pulp for 5 minutes & leave for next 5 minutes. Rinse off with cold water and get spotless and glowing face.

The Author: ENAM ARYA